

在互联网上很难找到可靠的健康信息. 下面你 can find links from trustworthy sources about everything from certain diseases, wellness, 约会和人际关系,心理健康等等.


酒精和其他药物预防计划 The mission of the Alcohol and Other Drug Education Program (AODEP) is to serve as 在预防和减少酒精和其他药物滥用方面发挥领导作用.
校园部 校园部 provides students with the resources and opportunities for religious 精神上的成长. 无论信仰传统如何,所有人都欢迎.
咨询中心 The mission of the 咨询中心 is to guide students toward personal wellness, 平衡与成长. 持牌辅导员通过个人咨询促进这一点 健康教育.
公共安全 SXU's 公共安全 serves the students, faculty, staff and visitors of 美国niversity. 公共安全 is committed to the highest quality of protective services in order to maintain and improve SXU's unique educational environment and quality of life.
香农中心 在SXU的健身中心保持身体健康.
不正当的性行为 How to get help, file a report and get ongoing assistance following sexual misconduct.

疾病预防控制中心 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is an excellent resource to learn about 健康状况, 免疫接种健康的生活方式 旅行者的健康, 大学健康与安全.
CDPH 芝加哥公共卫生部门供应 卫生服务 throughout the City of Chicago, such as HIV primary care, immunization clinics, mental 保健、初级保健、性传播感染诊所和世卫组织.
Familydoctor.org Learn about different health topics, including diseases and conditions, prevention 健康,家庭健康和健康资源.
IDPH The Illinois Department of Public Health 网站 has information about health issues 影响伊利诺斯州.
VFC-Illinois The Vaccine for Children program in Illinois is a federally funded, state administered 该项目为18岁及以下符合条件的儿童提供免费疫苗. 疫苗 是否免费提供给提供者或患者. 找到一个VFC提供商 网站.

  • 美国心脏协会: 信息rmation about physical activity, including how to get started and how to stay 动机.
  • 梅奥诊所:来自梅奥诊所的健身指南和建议.
  • MyFitnessPal:免费卡路里计数器,饮食和运动日志
  • ChooseMyPlate.政府这个网站来自美国.S. 农业部有关于发现的信息 一个健康的饮食方式,并在你的一生中建立它. 包括许多互动 工具.
  • EatRight:来自营养与饮食学会的信息
  • MyFitnessPal:免费卡路里计数器,饮食和运动日志
  • NHLBI:国家心肺血液研究所的健康饮食计划.
  • 有关心理健康的信息和资源,请参阅下面的标签
  • 查找有关的信息 性传播疾病, 生殖健康 以及其他话题.
  • Loveisrespect.org: Provides support, information and advocacy to young people who have questions or 担心他们的恋爱关系. 也提供信息和支持 concerned friends and family members, teachers, counselors, service 供应商 and 执法人员. 免费保密电话,实时聊天和短信服务 是否全天候可用.
  • 唯一的爱: Helps people to understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships. 学习如何帮助处于不健康关系中的朋友.
  • 性健康: Topics pertaining to sexual health from the American 性健康 Association.
  • 美国肺脏协会:了解有关烟草的事实,如何戒烟,以及如何帮助别人戒烟.
  • 疾病预防控制中心学习如何戒烟.
  • 电子烟:疾控中心关于电子烟的信息.
  • 无烟.政府: Support, tips, 工具 and expert advice to help you or someone you love quit smoking.
  • 无烟烟草学习如何戒掉嚼烟.
  • 戒烟热线: The Illinois Tobacco 戒烟热线 is a free service that can help you quit for good. 在线聊天或拨打1-866-QUIT-YES.

  • AAAAI: The American Academy of Allergy, 哮喘 and Immunology has information on asthma 症状和治疗.
  • 哮喘: 疾病预防控制中心提供的一般信息.
  • 美国肺脏协会: The 美国肺脏协会 is committed to supporting those affected by 慢性阻塞性肺病. 他们提供了关于这种疾病的各种资源和信息.
  • NHLBI: The National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute offers general information about 慢性阻塞性肺病.
  • 美国心脏协会: Learning about how to make healthy lifestyle choices, information about heart conditions, 以及对患者和护理人员的支持.
  • 心脏病:梅奥诊所的一般信息.
  • 美国心脏协会: Prevention and treatment of high cholesterol (including information about LDL, HDL 和甘油三酸酯).
  • 高胆固醇:梅奥诊所的一般信息.

  • 霍华德·布朗健康: Howard Brown is a comprehensive health clinic in multiple locations throughout the 芝加哥地区关注LGBTQ群体的健康.
  • 反式的生命线's Hotline is a peer support service run by trans people, for trans and questioning 调用者. 运营商遍布美国各地.S. 和加拿大,而且都是变性人. 他们接听那些处于危机中的人或那些只是需要谈谈的人的电话.
  • 妇女健康办公室作为美国的一部分.S. 卫生与公众服务部妇女问题办公室 Health offers information about specific conditions pertaining to women, health and 健康和生殖健康.
  • 妇女的健康:一般妇女健康主题和疾病预防控制中心的倡议.

  • 匿名戒酒互助社®: AA is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. 在这里查找一般信息和会议.
  • 匿名家庭组织: Al-Anon and Alateen is a mutual support program for people whose lives have been 受别人酗酒的影响.
  • 全国家庭暴力热线: Call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or chat online to be connected to domestic violence advocate. Highly-trained advocates 是否全天候可用 to talk confidentially with anyone experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information, or questioning unhealthy 他们关系的各个方面.
  • 社区健康支柱: Call the 24-hour domestic violence hotline at 1-708-485-5254 to be connected to 芝加哥地区的家庭暴力倡导者.
  • 大麻匿名:对于那些觉得大麻控制了他们的生活并希望戒烟的人.
  • 毒品匿名: NA is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become 一个主要问题.
  • SAMHSA: The Substance Abuse and 心理健康 Services Administration is the agency within 美国.S. 领导公共卫生工作的卫生与公众服务部 促进国民行为健康. SAMHSA的任务是减少 药物滥用和精神疾病对美国社区的影响.
  • NEDA: The National 饮食失调 Association (NEDA) is the largest nonprofit 组织 dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders.
  • Overeaters匿名: Overeaters匿名 is a fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength and hope, are recovering from anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating, purging, overexercising, 限制和暴饮暴食.
  • 赌徒匿名: GA is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover 从赌博问题开始.
  • 退伍军人事务部: Find information for veterans and the general public about causes and treatments 治疗创伤后应激障碍.
  • 国家卫生研究院: 信息rmation about signs and symptoms, risk factors and treatments for 创伤后应激障碍 from 国家心理健康研究所.
  • 社区健康支柱: Call the 24-hour sexual assault hotline at 1-708-482-9600 to be connected to Chicago-area 性侵犯倡导者.
  • 瑞恩:强奸,虐待 & 乱伦全国网络是全国最大的反性暴力组织 组织. 瑞恩创建并操作 全国性侵犯热线 (800-656-HOPE) that is confidential and can connect you to local sexual assault service 供应商.
  • 全国预防自杀生命线: Call 1-800-273-8255 for 24/7 free and confidential support for people in distress.
  • AFSP: The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is dedicated to saving lives and 给那些受自杀影响的人带来希望.
  • # BeThe1To: # BeThe1To是 全国预防自杀生命线's message to spread the word about actions we can all take to prevent suicide. 这 is an excellent resource for people who need expert advice about how to approach someone 谁可能在考虑自杀,包括他们的 5个行动步骤.
  • 反式的生命线's Hotline is a peer support service run by trans people, for trans and questioning 调用者. 运营商遍布美国各地.S. 和加拿大,而且都是变性人.

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